My Story

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Coming from a big family, eight brothers and sisters to be exact, and growing up in a church in which my dad was the pastor, my Christian faith and family have always played a pivotal role in my life. 

I started teaching Sunday School at 11 years old, and that eventually led to the birth of a young girl’s discipleship ministry,  which I had led for many years. And glory to God, many of these ladies are faithfully serving the Lord today with their own families they’ve been called to steward!

Fast forward, years later, on an unforgettable Saturday afternoon on October 26, 2002, I experienced my ‘defining moment’ in my faith journey, in which I was involved in a near-fatal car accident that had almost claimed my life and three other people in my car. For the first time, I got to experience Jesus for myself in a very surreal and tangible way. Since that day, my passion for sharing Jesus and how reeeeeaaaaal and personal He is with whomever I cross paths with, particularly children, has increased tenfold.

Meet My Family

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I have been married to my childhood sweetheart, Mike, for about 16+ years now and together we are raising three precious babies (They hate it when I call them that!)— Ariana, PJ, and Faith. So, believe me, every day is an adventure!

Fun Facts

  • Traveling is my love language.
  • I don’t know how to ride a bike.
  • When I was 12 years old, while heading back from a family vacation, my parents accidentally left me behind at a gas station, out in the middle of nowhere. 
  • I’m the 3rd oldest out of nine kids.
  • I am a huge fan of K-dramas (Korean dramas).
  • If I could travel back in time to meet one person, apart from Jesus, it would have to be the Apostle Paul.