Julia Sexil

Julia Sexil
Julia Sexil

Julia Sexil is a registered nurse, homeschool educator, and author of the newly released children's book, Tit for Tat, Jesus is Not About That! 

As a parent who profoundly loves and admires God's Word, she is passionately committed to producing content that will instill in children a longing to seek and know God personally in a world that constantly seeks to distract them. The purpose of Julia’s writing is to inspire children to take God as their Father and Friend through innovating stories that will empower their young hearts one page at a time.

Julia also enjoys encouraging the hearts of men and women by serving as a guest blog contributor for Living by Design Ministry, which delivers free Bible Studies to inboxes around the world. So, whether you are a parent or not, regardless of your life's current season, if your soul is in need of encouragement and rest, you can find those articles in the section entitled, "Other Writing," on the tool bar above.

Julia holds a nursing certification in Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation and has served as a test-item writer for a national nursing certification organization and has coordinated medical missions and youth ministry projects overseas. 

She lives, loves, and laughs in Washington with her childhood sweetheart, Mike, three children, Ariana, PJ, and Faith, and a pet fish named, Sir Idlewood! 


Tit for Tat, Jesus Is NOT about That!

What does God’s grace mean? What does it not mean? What does it look like? What’s it got to do with me anyway?

In this fun and heartwarming rhyme, Mrs. Jules help answer these questions and illustrates clarity to one of the most profound concepts of our Christian faith—God’s grace. Tit for Tat, Jesus Is Not about That will not only instill the...


You’ll Love This Book!

"This beautifully illustrated book is a wonderful way to introduce your children (or grandchildren) to the biblical Truth called grace. Having grown up with my own parents frequently using the phrase, "Tit for Tat," I was drawn to this book by the compelling title and once I fell into the pages, I was delighted to lead my own grands there with me. Thank you, Julia Sexil, for a fresh, fun way to explore an age-old Truth. As a bestselling author myself, I highly recommend this book.”

– Debora Coty, Bestselling Author

“Tit for Tat: Jesus Is Not About That is a profound and eye-opening book that challenges conventional thinking about faith, forgiveness, and the true message of Jesus. From the first page, I was captivated by the author's bold approach to addressing issues that many shy away from—justice, grace, and the radical nature of love.”

– Marie

“This is the book we needed in this generation! I absolutely loved it and wish it had been written sooner. If you have kids at any age, this is a book you should have in your collection. I loved this book so much that I am eagerly looking forward to this authors next copy.“

– Des

Other Writing

Welcome Friend! Welcome friend! So often, our daily struggles can truly

Welcome friend!

So often, our daily struggles can truly feel like a roller coaster ride that takes us on all sorts of emotional twists and turns. And if you’re anything like me, it’s tempting to have the sudden urge to take control of our current situations because we all desire peace.

Nothing brings our souls the peace it longs for than Truth found in the Word of God.

So, regardless of your life’s current season, whether you are a parent or not, I’ve reserved this “Other Writing” space just...

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3 Ways God’s Word Helps Us Overcome Fear Has fear ever stopped you from

Has fear ever stopped you from pursuing a path God wanted you to walk? Discover 3 ways God's Word helps us overcome fear.

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Our Value to God: The Secret to Overcoming Shame Shame is a feeling that is

Shame is a feeling that is completely contrary to God's original design for our lives. So, how do we overcome the lies we've convinced ourselves to believe about our value to Him? Find out here.

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